Bubble Morph Employment Services


This FREE project centers on providing out-of-school youth ages 18-25 with the ultimate goals of helping youth to obtain skills, credentials, work experience, and businesses to connect with a qualified workforce. The individualized services are designed to assist unemployed Albertans, who are not attending an education program under the School Act Career.  The YES project contract will serve Youth aged 18 – 25 who experience multiple and/or complex barriers to employment by providing more intensive supports beyond traditional job search and placement opportunities.

The project provides Career Employment Information Services (CEIS) and Job Placement (JP). These services will assist participants to gain and maintain employment. Services length will vary from 1 week to 12 weeks of active service. Job Placement participants will receive case management and follow-up at 30 and 90-day intervals following successful placement.

Individuals who are identified as requiring Career Employment and Information Services (CEIS) will receive one to one or small group delivered workshops. Our Career Development workshops are designed to be delivered in ½ day or full day: Resume, Cover Letter, Conduct of Work, Interview Preparation, Job Search Planning, Computers and Job Search, and Job Maintenance Skills.  DFW will also deliver Personal Development workshops: Communication, Working with Others, Understanding Anger, Resolving Conflict, Intra/Inter Personal, Managing Change, and Budgeting.

At the completion of Workshops  participants may be eligible for short term Industrial Training and be mentored with a Job Developer to assist and support participants job search and maintain employment.

Discover Y.E.S.

Youth Employmployment Services

One-on-One Employment Services (OOES)

DFW is prepared to offer the OOES project in Wetaskiwin and Camrose. OOES will be an innovative project that enables Alberta residents aged 18 and older an opportunity to engage themselves in Job Placement OOES individuals will be provided with the skills and support necessary to secure, retain employment thereby improving their quality of life.

Each participant interaction will vary in duration from 1 to 12 weeks of active services and 30 or 90 days of on the job support dependent on the stream of services they participate in. Our experience indicates that participants respond well to personal and flexible delivery. 

Unemployed or marginally employed with the skills and knowledge to attain and maintain employment a qualified workforce. The individualized services are designed to assist these employed or unemployed Albertans, who are not attending an education program under the School Act Career. These services will assist participants to gain and maintain employment. Services length will vary from 1 week to 12 weeks of active service. Job Placement participants will receive case management and follow-up at and 90-day intervals following successful placement.

Job Placement


Transition Employment Services (TES)

Transition to Employment Services (TES) will be provided in Camrose-Wetaskiwin.  It is expected that the TES Project will have 120 intakes. All participants will be closest to the labour market with EI eligibility, and unemployed or marginally employed adult Albertans who are experiencing barriers to employment and job retention. A minimum of 80% of the participants must meet EI Eligibility requirements.

TES is designed to provide comprehensive and individualized services that enable participants to acquire workplace and occupation related skills to re-enter the workforce as quickly as possible. TES components will include: Direct Employment Placement and Supports and Job Matching. All Clients will receive overall services that include computer literacy, job search techniques, interview skills, resume writing, assessing skill gaps, understanding transferable skills, identifying the hidden job market, researching new sectors, generating employment leads, and direct placement.

Transition to Employment participants may also be approved for up to $2500 maximum for Supplemental and $500 Job Readiness Support. Supplemental training is short-term training that occurs off-site, is delivered by a school or training organization and is a predetermined criterion for employment.  Some examples of supplemental training are; safety tickets, computer / software training, and short-term certifications. Job Readiness may also cover costs for necessary PPE or equipment to enable the participant to begin employment.

Acquire Skills
